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ДЕКА Pioneer
PIONEER Deck Cassette Tape CT S710 Model Cassette Stabiliser Isolated door Reference Master Mechanism Digital Tension control Centre mouth design Slanted mechanism 3 Motor design Two internal chasis 3 Head design PC OCC Fine Grain capstan bearing Super Auto BLE bias control High fedelity power supply Anti Resonanse design High bias freguency Dolby HX Pro Anti Vebration design Dolby B C noise Last memory Pitch control Fluorescent level indicators 3 Mode electronic counter Direct conection Time counter MPX filter Repeat play Sound EQ response Headphones output Timer record play Auto tape selector Music Skip search Wide Expanded Display off switch Repeat play Gold plated Timer record play Fine Grain capstan bearing High Fidelity power supply Title Search mode 15 15 Trk Powered loading eject Remote system SR ready Normal 15 21000 hz BLE data 20 20 WRMS 0 022 SNR 60 db of 220 volt 8 6 kg 420 x 146 x 375 mm 2 x Hard Permalloy playback and recording heads 1 x Double Gap Ferrite erasing head with Sendust guard Pioneer c Reference master Марка: Тип носителя:
Создано:29.08.2011 19:39:10
Просмотров:168 (сегодня:168)
Стоимость: в рублях, в долларах, в евро


PIONEER Deck Cassette Tape CT S710 Model Cassette Stabiliser Isolated door Reference Master Mechanism Digital Tension control Centre mouth design Slanted mechanism 3 Motor design Two internal chasis 3 Head design PC OCC Fine Grain capstan bearing Super Auto BLE bias control High fedelity power supply Anti Resonanse design High bias freguency Dolby HX Pro Anti Vebration design Dolby B C noise Last memory Pitch control Fluorescent level indicators 3 Mode electronic counter Direct conection Time counter MPX filter Repeat play Sound EQ response Headphones output Timer record play Auto tape selector Music Skip search Wide Expanded Display off switch Repeat play Gold plated Timer record play Fine Grain capstan bearing High Fidelity power supply Title Search mode 15 15 Trk Powered loading eject Remote system SR ready Normal 15 21000 hz BLE data 20 20 WRMS 0 022 SNR 60 db of 220 volt 8 6 kg 420 x 146 x 375 mm 2 x Hard Permalloy playback and recording heads 1 x Double Gap Ferrite erasing head with Sendust guard Pioneer c Reference master Марка: Тип носителя:

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